The Spirit of our Work is affirmed in Haiti by the core leadership team, the 5 lead sellers, and each person in the sales group for a total of 90 people. Collectively, we agree to these tenets:

● Today, I will be kind.

● See good in others.

● Have faith.

● And share my love.

Background & The Spirit of our Work

Haiti is one of the poorest countries in the world and is often cited as the poorest country in the Western hemisphere—due in large part to its history of exploitation, continuing political instability, climate vulnerability, and a lack of foreign investment or development infrastructure. Many Haitians lack adequate access to education, job training, or economic opportunity as a result. The St. Julie Haiti Project, through its bakery, clean water and associated business initiatives, plays a crucial role in addressing these community needs through an approach that prioritizes education, employment, and leadership development.


The bakery and water projects are the anchors of our work, serving as an employment training school. Workers have learned some of the basics needed to make a business thrive, and we are committed to further education. Basic business math, leadership and teamwork are vital to eventually develop business ownership on the part of the Haitian team.

Your help is vital, too. Please consider a contribution to this important work.