“I would like to raise my family out of poverty.”

- Dalinche, Scholarship Recipient

(pictured far left)

Your Contribution

to Our Scholarship Program Makes A World of Difference

  • Facile Lisaire with his two daughters (Facile runs the fork mixer and also sometimes runs the dough breaker in the bakery.)

    “I can provide for my family as a direct result of working for the bakery. I can provide food - and school fees, from the scholarship. I have 2 daughters. I do my best for them. Work means freedom to me.”

  • Fernando, age 7

    “I want to help my mother and father. All my family!”

Our Scholarship Program

It all began with a few folks who wanted to make a difference.

“How can we help?,” they asked.

And we answered.

Education can make all the difference.

St. Julie saw education for everyone as a basic human right, and teaching as the “greatest work on earth.”

Meet Some of the Scholarship Recipients

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